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List of Previous BACPAJE Donors


Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr.

Walter and Elise Haas Foundation

Mazon, A Jewish Response to Hunger

Julia Wardlaw Family Trust

Temple Emmanuel

Church World Service

Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund              

City of San Francisco Department of Human Services

S. F. Dept. of the Environment

San Francisco Foundation

State Fund Task Force

Organization Description and History


BACPAJE was founded with the vision that the accessibility of the basic needs of life, e.g., food, clean air and water, are important components not only of physical survival but also self-reliance and justice.  Thus BACPAJE began with two projects: Grupo de la Comida, which had a 27 year history of feeding the immigrant (especially the refugee population) poor of San Francisco, and the Coalition for Better Wastewater Solutions, which has a 23 year (founded 1993) history dedicated to creating environmentally superior alternatives to San Francisco’s combined wastewater and stormwater system.  The Coalition has been focusing on problems particularly in San Francisco’s poorer neighborhoods that are beleaguered with an outmoded sewer system and foul air in much greater proportions than any other area of the city. 

A Place To Recharge began in 2013 in the effort to provide San Francisco home-owners accessible residential charging for electric vehicles as a means of diminishing vehicular carbon emissions.  


BACPAJE, Grupo de la Comida, and the Coalition for Better Wastewater Solutions and A Place to Recharge were all created by (dancer/choreographer/teacher) Beth Abrams, who currently teaches at the Alonzo King Lines Ballet Dance Center. BACPAJE is a  non-profit (501c3) created in 1999, born of the need to have a fiscal sponsor for Grupo, and the Coalition for Better Wastewater Solutions.

The Beth Abrams Center for Peace, Arts, Justice and the Environment, hereafter referred to as BACPAJE (pronounced “Back Page”) was founded to support the role of artists as visionaries in society to promote peace and social justice.  BACPAJE was founded on the premise that artists work with a certain passion that can effect profound social change, and additionally, that that passion and creativity is a necessary component of achieving true justice and peace. 

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